
Which is easy RRB PO or RRB clerk?

Which is easy RRB PO or RRB clerk?

IBPS RRB 2021 prelims exam for Office Assistant/Clerk was easy to moderate in terms of difficulty level. The Reasoning section was easy while the Numerical Ability section was easy to moderate. IBPS RRB 2021 prelims exam for Officers Scale I/PO was moderate to difficult.

Is IBPS PO tougher than IBPS clerk?

Difference Between IBPS PO And IBPS Clerk Exams Apart from the difficulty of questions, there is a difference between the quantitative aptitude section in the PO exam and numerical ability section in the Clerk exam. This means, taking the IBPS PO main exam in two hours will be tougher compared to IBPS Clerk exam.

Is RRB PO difficult?

Generally, the language section is easy to moderate to attempt in the IBPS RRB PO Mains exam….IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Exam Analysis 2021 For English/Hindi Language.

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Topics No. of Questions Difficulty Level
गद्यांश 08 Easy to Moderate
वाक्य में त्रुटी 05 Easy
रिक्त स्थान 10 Easy to Moderate
वाक्य व्यवस्थीकरण 01 Easy

Which is better PO or clerk?

The primary difference between bank PO and bank clerk is the hierarchy of position, salary, and job role. The PO is a more superior position compared to a clerk and is responsible as the supervisor of the clerical position.

What is RRB and PSB?

NEW DELHI: Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has issued tentative calendar of online Common Recruitment Process (CRP) for Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) and Public Sector Banks (PSBs).

What is the difference between RRB and PSB?

RRBs operate majorly towards agriculture finance, small sector loans, handicrafts and other small sector loans, whereas commercial banks or PSBs provide many other facilities like car loans,housing loans, credit to large companies along with agriculture finance etc.