
Which news channel is best for IAS?

Which news channel is best for IAS?

Best news channel or Programmes for UPSC/Best news channel for UPSC preparation are:

  • Made in India (Epic Channel)
  • Samvidhaan: The Making of the constitution of India (Rajya Sabha TV)
  • Pradhanmantri (ABP News)
  • India’s World (Rajya Sabha TV programs for UPSC)
  • The Big Picture (Rajya Sabha TV programs for UPSC)

Which online News is best for UPSC?

Along with The Hindu, The Indian Express is considered to be the best source of current affairs information for competitive exam preparation.

Which news paper is best for IAS?

The two best and most recommended newspapers for UPSC preparation are – “The Hindu” and “The Indian Express”.

What should I read for current affairs for IAS?

Some of the best sources on How to prepare for current affairs UPSC

  • Newspapers– The Hindu, The Indian Express, etc.
  • Monthly Current Affairs Magazine– Pratiyogita Darpan, Civil Services Times, Yojana, Niti Aayog reports, Economic and Political Weekly (for some topics only), World Focus year-end issue only, etc.
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Is air news good for UPSC?

UPSC has interested in picking topics from All India Radio debates. In the same year, UPSC has asked a question in Essay Paper “Is Tourism the next big thing for India?” If aspirants are listening AIR news and programme, they won’t face any hurdles in UPSC IAS Exam.

Which is the best YouTube channel for IAS?

Best YouTube Channels for UPSC IAS Preparation

  • #1 RSTV. The Rajya Sabha TV’s YouTube channel is a mine of wonderfully informative and educational videos that a UPSC aspirant must watch.
  • #3 The Hindu. UPSC aspirants are well-aware of the relevance of ‘The Hindu’ newspaper for the IAS exam.
  • #4 BBC News.
  • #5 BYJU’S IAS.

Which radio is best for UPSC?

The “All India Radio” broadcast most significant programs daily which are useful for IAS Prelims examination. The new, Spotlight, Countrywide are some of the important programs.