
Which of the following are commercial distributions of Linux?

Which of the following are commercial distributions of Linux?

There are commercially backed distributions, such as Fedora (Red Hat), openSUSE (SUSE) and Ubuntu (Canonical Ltd.), and entirely community-driven distributions, such as Debian, Slackware, Gentoo and Arch Linux.

Is there any paid Linux distro?

Most Linux distribution software stores lack any kind of payment model. Now, consider that these developers are creating apps with elementary OS in mind, but are free to distribute them across any other distribution, including through widely available Snap or Flatpak methods.

Is a commercial Linux distribution?

An enterprise—or commercial—Linux distro is available through a subscription from a vendor and does not rely solely on community support. The direction of an enterprise distro is set by a vendor, based on the needs of their customers. Think about it like this.

Which is not a distribution of Linux?

Choosing a Linux Distro

Distribution Why To Use
Red hat enterprise To be used commercially.
CentOS If you want to use red hat but without its trademark.
OpenSUSE It works same as Fedora but slightly older and more stable.
Arch Linux It is not for the beginners because every package has to be installed by yourself.
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Which of the following is not distribution of Linux?

Discussion Forum

Que. Which one of the following is not a linux distribution?
b. gentoo
c. open SUSE
d. multics

Which Linux distributions would you use to set up a web or data server?

10 Best Linux Server Distributions of 2020

  • Ubuntu Distribution.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
  • CentOS Linux.
  • Debian Linux.
  • Oracle Linux.
  • Mageia Linux.
  • ClearOS Linux.