
Which of the following are examples of Open Data?

Which of the following are examples of Open Data?

What kinds of open data?

  • Culture: Data about cultural works and artefacts — for example titles and authors — and generally collected and held by galleries, libraries, archives and museums.
  • Science: Data that is produced as part of scientific research from astronomy to zoology.

What can you use Open Data for?

Examples of how open data is used include creating an app, doing research, in support of evidence-based decision making, developing a business plan for creating goods or services, or simply to improve knowledge and understanding of social, economic and environmental trends.

What type of data is Open Data?

Open data is data that anyone can access, use and share. Open data is a raw material for the digital age but, unlike coal, timber or diamonds, it can be used by anyone and everyone at the same time. Any restrictions imposed on the use of open data will limit its potential for creating new value.

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Does Open Data mean free?

The term “Open Data” has a very precise meaning. Data or content is open if anyone is free to use, re-use or redistribute it, subject at most to measures that preserve provenance and openness. Data must also be publicly available and accessible on a public server, without password or firewall restrictions.

What are open data initiatives?

The Open Data Initiative exists to advance government financial transparency. Through resources, partners, and events, we inform the public and the government on the best open data solutions available.

Where can I find open data sets?

10 Great Places to Find Free Datasets for Your Next Project

  • Google Dataset Search.
  • Kaggle.
  • Data.Gov.
  • Datahub.io.
  • UCI Machine Learning Repository.
  • Earth Data.
  • CERN Open Data Portal.
  • Global Health Observatory Data Repository.

What issues around quality should you consider before using open data?

Four things you should know about open data quality

  • A quality dataset is a well-published dataset. First impressions are everything.
  • A dataset can contain a variety of problems. Data quality also relates to the contents of a dataset.
  • There are several ways to fix data errors.
  • Sometimes ‘good quality’ depends on your needs.
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What is open data in data science?

‘Open data’ refers to data that are freely available without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control. (