
Who can be a co guide for PhD?

Who can be a co guide for PhD?

a) All faculty members of the Institute holding doctorate degree and having a minimum of 2 papers in refereed journals are eligible to guide Ph. D. scholars. c) As the tenure of the Emeritus Fellow/Professor Emeritus will be for a period of one or two years only, they will be allowed to continue their guidance of Ph.

Can I change PhD supervisor?

A. Change of supervisor at a late stage of the student’s PhD should be avoided and all attempts should be made to take the relationship to its logical conclusion – namely submission of the thesis. The possibility of having the past supervisor continue as a co-supervisor should also be explored.

Can we change guide in PhD?

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For a change in guide, the student shall submit a no objection certificate from the previous guide and willingness of the new guide, provided further that the Departmental Committee approves such a change. If the student’s proposed doctoral work is of an interdisciplinary nature, he may be allotted a co-research guide.

Can you hold multiple PhDs?

A PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, is a professional academic degree. Earning just one PhD can take 10 years of college and field work. Earning more than one PhD will take even longer. However, it is not impossible to attain multiple PhDs.

Can you do two PhD programs at the same time?

Decide which PhD you want to earn first. Most accredited colleges will not allow you to enroll in two programs at the same time. Consider which program is best suited for your immediate needs and schedule. Apply for the PhD program you want to enroll in first.

Can you do a part-time PhD in the UK?

Many students choose to study part-time, particularly when they are self-funded. A part-time PhD usually takes between five and six years in the UK (you’ll have half the workload of a full-time one). However, it is likely that the majority of funded PhD positions will require a full-time commitment.

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What are the advantages of a full-time PhD?

One of the most common advantages of a full-time PhD. is that a candidate can complete their course in a short time. Some doctorate programs take as less as three years to complete. It implies that the PhD. holder has more opportunities in the job market because they acquire the title much quicker than part-time PhD holders.

How many meetings should a full-time PhD holder facilitate?

The reason for this is that a full-time PhD. holder is considered to have more experience in research techniques. Although most universities require that the supervisor and the candidate must facilitate at least six meetings per year, it is not an ultimatum, and therefore the meetings may be more.