
Who is SPO in post office?

Who is SPO in post office?

A SO post office situated in a town or its suburbs where there is also a Head Office is termed a town sub-office. Sub Post Office (SO) is an operational unit located in urban as well as rural areas which reports to Head Post office.

How do you become a superintendent of the post office?

Recruitment in Indian Postal Service (IPoS) will be conducted through the UPSC 2021 Civil Services Examination. The UPSC candidates selected for the IPoS start their career as SSPO(Senior Superintendent of Post Office) or SSRM (Senior Superintendent of Railway Mail Services).

What is the work of postmaster in post office?

Other duties of a post master are to hire and train the workers in post office according to the rules and policies. He gives information about new postal service and resolves any complaints by the customer. He also makes reports on the basis of daily activities of the post office.

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Who is the head of first class head post office?

– Classes of Head Offices: First Class Head Offices under the control land supervision of Senior Time Scale Officer. He is called Chief Postmaster.

What does SPO mean?


Acronym Definition
SPO Security Police Officer
SPO Special Order (used in retail stores operation)
SPO Supplier Purchase Order
SPO State Purchasing Officer (various locations)

What does SPO mean for mail?

The SPO type email address indicates that it is related to SharePoint Online features. The fact is that it only appears on objects with a SharePoint Online license confirms this.

What is the meaning of post office?

Definition of post office. 1 : a government department or agency handling the transmission of mail. 2 : a local branch of a national post office handling the mail for a particular place or area.

Who has the power to establish a post office?

In the first draft of the constitution, the clause stood thus, “Congress shall have power to establish post-offices.”

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Who is the person to which a mailpiece is addressed?

The person or organization to which a mailpiece is addressed as shown in the delivery address. It is normally the intended recipient of the mailpiece. A process that identifies and revises incomplete or incorrect computerized address files and then attaches ZIP+4 and carrier route codes.