
Who is the most popular character in ATLA?

Who is the most popular character in ATLA?

Even being a late addition to Team Avatar, Toph was arguably the most popular character in the entire series.

Who is the strongest avatar in ATLA?

  1. 1 Aang. Aang was the Avatar and the last airbender, just like the name of the show suggests.
  2. 2 Ozai. Ozai was the most powerful non-Avatar bender in the entirety of the two series, and there are many reasons.
  3. 3 Korra. Avatar Korra accomplished many feats to earn her spot here.
  4. 4 Kyoshi.
  5. 5 Wan.
  6. 6 Iroh.
  7. 7 Toph.
  8. 8 Katara.

Why Azula is the best character?

Azula Provides An Interesting Study On Child Prodigies Reddit user -Uncle-Iroh- said it best: “Azula is a great character because of the lessons she instills. Despite having prodigy skills, intelligence and talent, she was still ultimately miserable due to her fragile perfectionism and emotional vulnerability.

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Who is the best Firebender?

Avatar: 10 Strongest Firebenders In The Franchise, Ranked

  1. 1 Ran And Shaw. The first and truest masters of Firebending are the dragons, of whom Ran and Shaw are the last surviving remnants.
  2. 2 The Avatar.
  3. 3 Iroh.
  4. 4 Ozai/Zuko.
  5. 5 Combustion Man.
  6. 6 Jeong Jeong.
  7. 7 Azula.
  8. 8 P’Li.

Is Lavabending fire or earth?

Bolin is the last known lavabender to be alive by 174 AG. Lavabending is a specialized sub-skill of earthbending that allows the user to manipulate molten earth. This rare ability allows the bender to phase-change earth into lava, lava into earth, and otherwise manipulate existing lava with great dexterity.

Is Avatar a cartoon?

Avatar is one of the most critically-acclaimed cartoon franchises of all time, and decriers calling it “an anime” will have fans tearing them a new one. Essentially, being Western-made, The Last Airbender and The Legend Of Korra are by all means cartoons.