
Who owns Indian media?

Who owns Indian media?

The Government of India owns news media such as DD News and All India Radio. While the news media market (readership and viewership) in India is highly concentrated, the total number of owners includes over 25,000 individuals, 2000 joint stock companies and 1200 societies.

Who started mass media?

The history of mass communication stretches from prehistoric forms of art and writing, through basic printing technology from around 800AD; the invention of Gutenberg’s printing press in 1455; the first weekly printed newspaper in Antwerp in 1605; the invention of radio by Marconi in 1895; television by John Logie …

Why is OpIndia biased against Modi government?

In fact, OpIndia runs a series of monthly articles in which it highlights what it considers “lies” spread by the mainstream media, typically against the ruling Modi government/BJP. Let us try to analyze some of the reasons for this apparent “bias”. 1. Ownership patterns of media houses

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What is the media’s antagonism towards the Modi government?

The media’s antagonism for the Modi government is taken for granted in social media circles, with several commentators regularly putting forward a counter-narrative that is lapped up by folks on Twitter and Facebook.

Why is NDTV India not part of BJP propaganda?

Because NDTV India is neither owned nor funded by any BJP’s authorized body- responsible for party propaganda. Scrolling and watching the various main stream news channel for just a day and jotting down their perception, space and attitude of news delivering, one can predict the enforced propaganda happening backstage.

Is NDTV left or right in ideology?

NDTV was founded in 1988 by Prannoy Roy and his wife Radhika Roy. Radhika Roy is the sister of second most powerful leader of CPI (M) Brinda Karat. I think this much background would be enough to reckon the desposition of NDTV towards ultra left ideology.