
Who would win Ankylosaurus or Triceratops?

Who would win Ankylosaurus or Triceratops?

Well, although the ankylosaurus was better armoured and harder to ambush without getting hurt instantly, triceratops was larger, heavier, possibly smarter and could land more precise hits, due to the fact that it’s weapons were on its face, and not tail.

Can a Ankylosaurus kill a T Rex?

An Ankylosaurus probably couldn’t kill a Tyrannosaurus rex with the club at the end of its tail, but new research suggests the bony bludgeon could definitely break its ankles.

Who would win in a fight T Rex or Ankylosaurus?

rex would win most of its matches against foes like Triceratops and could eat smaller dinosaurs, like Velociraptor, with ease. But it would struggle against large herbivores like the sauropods and probably didn’t try to mess with the armored Ankylosaurus.

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Did T Rex eat Triceratops?

T. rex was a huge carnivore and primarily ate herbivorous dinosaurs, including Edmontosaurus and Triceratops. The predator acquired its food through scavenging and hunting, grew incredibly fast and ate hundreds of pounds at a time, said University of Kansas paleontologist David Burnham.

What is the difference between Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus?

Ankylosaurus is a dinosaur known for the enlarged club at the tip of its tail. Stegosaurus, a staple in any dinosaur book, is best known for the plates lined up on its back and secondly, the lethal spikes on its tail.

Who would win T. rex or Triceratops?

The plant-eating dinosaurs of the late Cretaceous period weren’t the smartest bunch. As a general rule, carnivores tend to have more advanced brains than herbivores, meaning Triceratops would have been far outclassed by T. Rex in the IQ department.

What dinosaur was the best fighter?

1) Tyrannosaurus rex Tyrannosaurus rex (“tie-RAN-a-SORE-uss rex”) needs no introduction; its reputation as the ultimate carnivore and most badass dinosaur ever to roam the Earth precedes it.