
Why alkali metals are larger than alkaline earth metals?

Why alkali metals are larger than alkaline earth metals?

Reason: The alkaline earth metals have a higher nuclear charge ,and ,therefore the electrons are attracted more strongly towards the nucleus. As a result ,their atomic and ionic radii are smaller than those of the corresponding alkali metals.

Why the alkaline earth metal are smaller than alkali metal?

Why alkaline earth metals have smaller ionic and atomic radii as compared to that of alkali metals? The alkaline earth metals have a higher nuclear charge due to which the electrons are more strongly attracted towards the nucleus causing decrease in atomic size.

Why alkali metals are larger in size?

Now the alkali metals have the largest size because they have very less number of electrons filled in their valence shell which gives them high reactive nature and also the tendency to easily lose electrons and form compound.

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Do alkaline earth metals have larger atomic radii?

Alkaline earth metals are reactive metals. The reactivity increases on moving down the Group from magnesium to barium. That means as their atomic numbers increase the furthur down they appear in the group, their reactivity increases. This gives alkaline earth metals the largest atomic radii in their periods.

How do the alkali metals compare to the alkaline earth metals?

The main difference between alkali metals and alkaline earth metals is that alkali metals have one valence electron in the outermost orbit whereas alkaline earth metals have two valence electrons in the outermost orbit.

Why do metals have large atomic size?

Metals – the atomic radius of a metal is generally larger than the ionic radius of the same element. Why? This creates a larger positive charge in the nucleus than the negative charge in the electron cloud, causing the electron cloud to be drawn a little closer to the nucleus as an ion.

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How do alkali metals change atomic size?

Every time we move down the group, the number of electron shells of the element increases by one. Since the number of electron shells increase, the atom is getting larger and thus the atomic radius would get larger. Furthermore, the increase in the number of electron shells increases the shielding effect.

Why do metals have smaller atomic radius?

A higher effective nuclear charge causes greater attractions to the electrons, pulling the electron cloud closer to the nucleus which results in a smaller atomic radius. Down a group, the number of energy levels (n) increases, so there is a greater distance between the nucleus and the outermost orbital.

How do alkali metals differ from alkaline earth metals in atomic structure and general properties?

alkali metals have one electron in the outermost s orbital, whereas alkaline ultimate ALS have two electrons in the outermost orbit. Alkali metals are more reactive than alkaline earth metal because alkaline earth metals have ah fully filled out almost s orbital.