
Why can we use Xrays but not radio waves or microwaves to give an image of bones and teeth?

Why can we use Xrays but not radio waves or microwaves to give an image of bones and teeth?

The shortest-wavelength, highest-frequency electromagnetic waves are X rays and gamma rays. These waves have so much energy that they can pass through many materials. X rays have enough energy to pass through soft tissues such as skin but not enough to pass through bones and teeth, which are very dense.

How are X rays and microwaves produced?

Microwaves – produced by special vacuum tubes called klystrons, magnetrons and Gunn diodes. Infrared rays – produced by hot bodies and molecules. Visible rays – visible light emitted or reflected by objects. Ultraviolet rays – produced by special lamps and very hot bodies, like the sun.

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Are X rays and microwaves the same?

What is the difference between microwaves and X-rays? Microwaves and X-rays have different wavelengths and frequencies. Microwaves fall between infrared radiation and above radar radiation. X-rays fall above ultraviolet radiation and below gamma ray radiation.

Which type of electromagnetic waves is used in optical?

Optical radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is subdivided into ultraviolet radiation (UV), the spectrum of light visible for man (VIS) and infrared radiation (IR). It ranges between wavelengths of 100 nm to 1 mm.

How Microwaves are generated?

Microwaves are produced inside the oven by an electron tube called a magnetron. The microwaves are reflected within the metal interior of the oven where they are absorbed by food. Microwaves cause water molecules in food to vibrate, producing heat that cooks the food.

How visible rays are produced?

Relatively long radio waves are produced by electrical current flowing through huge broadcast antennas, while much shorter visible light waves are produced by the energy state fluctuations of negatively charged electrons within atoms. …

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What is microwave diathermy?

Microwave diathermy uses electromagnetic radiation by microwaves and heats to a lesser tissue depth than short-wave diathermy. It is primarily used to heat superficial muscles and joints such as the shoulder.

How are microwaves produced?

In microwave ovens, microwaves are produced by vacuum tubes devices that operate on the ballistic motion of electrons. Due to the motion of these electrons, the microwaves are produced. In addition, the chamber that heats food is designed in such fashion that the waves form standing waves inside the chamber.