
Why combined-cycle has higher efficiency?

Why combined-cycle has higher efficiency?

Combining two or more thermodynamic cycles improves overall efficiency, which reduces fuel costs. The principle is that after completing its cycle in the first engine, the working fluid (the exhaust) is still hot enough that a second subsequent heat engine can extract energy from the heat in the exhaust.

Why is the combined gas turbine cycle more efficient than either of the cycles operated alone?

It is more efficient because it uses desired characteristics of both gas and steam cycle.

What are the advantages of combined-cycle gas?

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Advantages for cogenerations of heat and electricity Large output combined with high cycle efficiency, low emission level and low investment cost are the main attractive features of the CC power generation.

What is combined-cycle efficiency?

The overall electrical efficiency of a combined-cycle power system is typically in the range of 50–60\% — a substantial improvement over the efficiency of a simple, open-cycle application of around 33\%. …

How do you increase combined-cycle efficiency?

There are many ways to improve the efficiency. From the point of view of thermal efficiency it can be: raising inlet parameters of live steam (temperature and pressure), implementing regeneration and reheating, reducing backpressure, etc. Optimizing the flow path improves thermodynamic efficiency of the turbine.

What is the efficiency of a combined-cycle plant in making electricity?

The overall electrical efficiency of a combined-cycle power system is typically in the range of 50–60\% — a substantial improvement over the efficiency of a simple, open-cycle application of around 33\%.

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Why power isentropic efficiency and thermal efficiency are very important factors of a gas turbine?

As the isentropic efficiency of the turbine increases, the irreversibilities decrease. Hence, a turbine with a higher isentropic efficiency is capable of producing more power. This leads to an increase in the overall system efficiencies.

What is the efficiency of a combined cycle plant in making electricity?

How is a combined-cycle plant better compared to open cycle natural gas plants?

The overall electrical efficiency of a combined-cycle power system is typically in the range of 50–60\% — a substantial improvement over the efficiency of a simple, open-cycle application of around 33\%. Combined-cycle technology is most cost-effective for larger plants.

What is the difference between combined-cycle and cogeneration?

1) What is the difference between co-generation and combined-cycle power generation? Co-generations uses waste heat for many different processes, such as space heating or drying. Combined-cycle power generation is a two-cycle electricity generation process that uses the heat from the first cycle to run a second cycle.