
Why did Nico Robins face change?

Why did Nico Robins face change?

Originally Answered: In One Piece, why did Nico Robin’s brown skin turn into white? Robin was always supposed to be light-skinned. What happened was that Oda had not produced a colored image of her before she first appeared in the anime, and so Toei made a guess about her skin color that turned out to be wrong.

Why does Nico Robin look different after Timeskip?

What happened was that Oda had not produced a colored image of her before she first appeared in the anime, and so Toei made a guess about her skin color that turned out to be wrong. In addition, Robin’s eyes were supposed to be brown, but the anime made them blue instead.

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What is Nico Robin’s personality?

Personality. Robin is usually a very calm and collected person. She spends much of her time with the Straw Hats reading books. Unlike Nami, she seems to find the perverted nature of Brook and Sanji funny.

Why did Nico Robin turn herself in?

Iceburg clarifies it for Nami that Robin wanted the Straw Hats, excluding herself, to leave the island safely. To do so, she turned herself in to the government to help them recover the blueprints and then to be executed.

Why did choppers design change?

Chopper’s change after the time skip wasn’t exactly drastic, but it is certainly very different than when he first appeared. As the series moved forward and Eiichiro Oda needed to start streamlining his character designs, Chopper himself started getting much rounded, cuter features.

What happened to eiichro Oda’s design for female characters?

After the series’ time skip, Eiichro Oda developed quite the divisive trademark among his female characters. Less emphasis started to be placed on distinctive features, with many designs sticking to an hourglass figure that emphasized curves. Robin is one such victim of the stylistic change.

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Why did Nico join the straw hats at Enies Lobby?

Nico Robin has been hunted by the World Government since she was eight, so she knows that she’s in constant danger. She joined with the Straw Hats for a while before leaving them at Enies Lobby. She did this to protect them, as the people that captured her threatened to destroy them.

Is Nico Robin one piece’s best female character?

Nico Robin is among One Piece’s best characters, but there are some things about the Straw Hat pirate that do not make much sense. One Piece ‘s large, blue world is full of eclectic characters of every sort, but it still sometimes struggles in certain areas to represent its female characters.

Is Nico in Nico Robin a reference to the Nice O’s?

Getting some attention recently, Oda really put the shonen in Jump with his response in volume 79 concerning how to draw women. Reader: About the “Nico” in “Nico Robin”, could it possibly be that it’s a reference to the NICe O’s (so, breasts) she has? by Hiromu (*It’s a pun with the japanese “ni ko”, which means two breasts.)

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