
Why did Obi Wan not train Luke earlier?

Why did Obi Wan not train Luke earlier?

There was no time to plan. Luke was not meant to be a great Jedi. Obi-Wan was there to protect him from Vader, not to train him. Perhaps at first he thought those to things would be one in the same, but with Uncle Owen pushing him away, Obi-Wan would have taken a more silent protector role, than a mentor/trainer.

What would happen if Luke was trained?

If Luke had trained from childhood to be a Jedi, he would most likely have received that training from either Obi-Wan or Yoda. If he had trained under Obi-Wan, A New Hope would have been much the same, but without Luke whining about working on a farm.

Was Obi Wan supposed to train Luke?

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Obi-Wan was principally on Tatooine to master on a very special Jedi technique and also to keep an eye on Luke Skywalker. To protect him if need be. The original intention was to keep both Luke and Leia away from both the Emperor’s and Darth Vader’s notice. That they not suspect any connection of the twins to Vader.

Why didn’t Obi Wan give Luke a different last name?

The reason Luke’s name remained Skywalker is because Lucas probably didn’t intend for Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader to be one and the same. As for Obi-Wan . . . he wouldn’t have a say in the matter regarding Luke’s surname.

Why wasnt Luke too old to be trained?

Yoda literally said that Luke was too old in Empire Strikes Back. However, he had no choice. In ESB, Luke was basically their only shot at finding someone who could defeat the Emperor, so they trained him anyway.

How long did Obi-Wan train Luke for?

In Star Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi waited 21 years to start training Luke as a Jedi, but if he had started earlier, he could have been more powerful.

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Who took care of Luke?

Owen Lars would never see his stepbrother again – though his life would be shaped by Anakin and his legacy. At the end of the Clone Wars, the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi brought Anakin’s infant son Luke to Owen and Beru. The young couple agreed to raise the boy as their own.

Why does Satine call Obi Wan Ben?

During his Padawan training, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn were assigned to be bodyguards to Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore. They spent nearly a year together, often unsure of what fate the next day would bring. Eventually, the two fell in love, and during their private moments, Satine affectionately called him “Ben”.