
Why do authors want pen pals?

Why do authors want pen pals?

Ans- The author was so keen to have a pen pal because several boys and girls of his class had pen pals in foreign countries, and to have a pen pal was the fashion of the day. Q.

What is the benefit of letter writing?

It’s fun: Handwriting stimulates creativity and encourages you to explore. Experiment with doodles or stickers, use scented pens and decorate the envelope to really unleash your inner playfulness. It promotes mindfulness: Just like colouring in creates calmness and relieves anxiety, so too does handwriting.

Who is the writer of pen pal?

Pen pal is a short story written by G. Srinivas Rao.

What are the advantages of letter writing over email?

Some advantages of letter writing over email writing​

  • it stimulates creativity and encourage us for good handwriting.
  • 2.it promotes mindfulness, just like colouring in creates calmness and relieves anxiety.
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Why is writing a letter better than email?

Compared to emails, letters can, for example: Reach target audiences that don’t have email. Have a tangible physical ‘presence’ that will hold attention for longer. People often keep letters for months, while emails are processed and forgotten immediately.

Is pen pal still a thing?

Today, pen pals are still popular. However, the Internet has changed how many people communicate with their pen pals. Instead of writing letters by hand and mailing them, many pen pals use email. Pen pals who email don’t have to wait days or weeks for a reply.

What is a pen pal account?

To put it simply, PenPal is all about creating a physical connection with new people from all over the world – by postcard. Basically, for every postcard you send, you’ll receive one from another PenPal. The more you send… the more you receive. Create your free account and fill out your profile. Request a PenPal.