
Why do insurers use non OEM parts?

Why do insurers use non OEM parts?

Many body shops feel the same way because aftermarket parts can be ill-fitting and inferior compared to the parts made by the original equipment manufacturer. But aftermarket parts are a lot cheaper than OEM parts, and that’s why insurance companies insist on them.

Can I use non OEM parts?

Regulations in California state that non-OEM (aftermarket) replacement parts are only permitted if the insurer can guarantee that the parts are equal in kind, quality, safety, fit and performance.

Do modifications devalue a car?

The short answer is, yes they do, and for the most part negatively. Depending on the car but especially the buyer, modifications can significantly hurt the resale value because simply put, cars are built to spec for a reason. The original parts fit correctly because they were made to.

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Does repainting a car lose value?

Paint color. It can bring you down–or send you sky-high, in terms of resale value. If you don’t get white, silver, or black, on a traditional Camry or E-Class, you’re risking a slower sale–but the color palette on most mainstream cars isn’t that gutsy to begin with.

Can you refuse aftermarket parts?

You shouldn’t have to accept an aftermarket part when the damaged part was original. Do understand that unless your vehicle is brand new that an auto insurance company is allowed to consider the parts on your vehicle as used, which means it doesn’t necessarily have to replace with brand new parts.

Do farmers use OEM?

He did, however, object to the choice of words used to describe parts. “They are non-OEM parts. We don’t call them imitation parts.

What’s the difference between OEM and aftermarket car parts?

Comes with a warranty: Most automakers back up their OEM parts with a one-year warranty. And if you get your car repaired at the dealer, they’ll usually stand by their labor as well. More expensive: OEM parts will usually cost more than an aftermarket part.

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Do you have to disclose non-OEM parts in a repair estimate?

Thirty-one (31) states require a disclosure statement with the repair estimate that addresses the use of non-OEM parts. Twenty (20) states have a requirement that the manufacturer of the non-OEM parts have to be identified. Thirteen (13) states have a requirement that non-OEM parts used have to be of “like kind and quality” as OEM parts.

Should aftermarket parts be allowed in the repair of cars?

They claim it is in the best interests of both insurance companies and their insureds to allow the use of aftermarket parts in the repair of damaged vehicles. However, as a society we must balance cost with the safety and integrity of these “generic” parts.

Does repainting a classic car affect its resale value?

In many cases, repainting a classic car will not affect its resale value and, in some cases, it will even improve it. The colour that the car is being painted will have a massive impact on the car’s value, though. With most classic cars, there are some colours that are more desirable than others.