
Why do neutrinos zip through the sun while photons take forever to escape?

Why do neutrinos zip through the sun while photons take forever to escape?

It’s because neutrinos interact so rarely with matter that they are able to escape from the sun’s dense core right away, while photons (the light particles) bounce around before getting free.

What are the two sources of particles coming from the sun that cause space weather How are they different?

The sun is the main source of space weather. Sudden bursts of plasma and magnetic field structures from the sun’s atmosphere called coronal mass ejections (CME) together with sudden bursts of radiation, or solar flares, all cause space weather effects here on Earth.

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Why do photos take so much longer than neutrinos to emerge from the sun?

Why do photons take so much longer than neutrinos to emerge from the Sun? Photons interact strongly with matter, while neutrinos do not. In the Sun, four hydrogen nuclei do not fuse directly into a helium nucleus. The overall reaction involves several steps, and other particles are also produced in the process.

What do measurements of the number of neutrinos emitted by the Sun tell us about conditions deep in the solar interior?

What do measurements of the number of neutrinos emitted by the Sun tell us about conditions deep in the solar interior? The neutrinos are being produced in the solar core by fusion reactions, and measuring their number gives us a sensitive probe into what is happening in the Sun’s core.

How do neutrinos affect us?

Neutrinos don’t really affect the everyday lives of most humans: they don’t make up atoms (like electrons, protons and neutrons), and they don’t play a crucial role in objects their mass (like the Higgs boson). “However, the neutrino does have a tiny probability to interact, and this probability increases with energy.”

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Why was it so important for scientists to detect the solar neutrinos?

This is important for scientists, because it means neutrinos coming out of the Sun come directly from the core and can give us direct information about the nuclear fusion going on there. At first, the scientists didn’t detect any neutrinos at all in the tank.

What are neutrinos responsible for?

Neutrinos are elusive subatomic particles created in a wide variety of nuclear processes. Of the four fundamental forces in the universe, neutrinos only interact with two — gravity and the weak force, which is responsible for the radioactive decay of atoms. …