
Why do we need to preserve our Filipino culture?

Why do we need to preserve our Filipino culture?

It gives us an irrefutable connection to the past – to certain social values, beliefs, customs and traditions, that allows us to identify ourselves with others and deepen our sense of unity, belonging and national pride.

How can we preserve our culture and tradition?

How to Preserve Your Culture When Moving Internationally

  1. Keep Constant Communication with Family & Friends.
  2. Join Local Clubs & Associations Tied to Your Culture.
  3. Maintain Cultural Tradition by Sharing It with Others.

Why should we preserve our some traditions?

Culture and its history are morals, beliefs, and aims. They form a people’s national identity. It is essential to preserve our cultural heritage to maintain our identity as a nation. The value of cultural heritage isn’t in cultural manifestation itself.

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How can we preserve our heritage?

How to preserve monuments:

  1. Awareness campaign to educate community.
  2. Adopt monuments.
  3. Strict Government action & plan to save monuments, setting up of Archaeological departments.
  4. Collecting, generation of funds & donation for their renovation.
  5. Chemical treatments of monuments & restoration.

Why should we follow our culture and tradition?

Traditions are important in our lives and provide many benefits. We intentionally create and continue traditions because they provide a sense of belonging and meaning to our lives. Family rituals nurture connection and give us comfort. Traditions also provide a constant for us in an ever-changing and fast-paced life.

Why do we need to preserve our art?

It is important to preserve artifacts from historical events so we can remember, learn about and honor those who were involved. When an artifact is conserved to retain its current condition, it preserves the truth of the historical story for generations to come.

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