
Why do you come to God during times of difficulties?

Why do you come to God during times of difficulties?

When we do go through hardships, whether they be financial troubles, painful relationships, damaged health or questioning our self-worth, it is hard for us to realize that God is still always working in us. Having faith in difficult times can allow you to find peace in God’s presence.

How do you remember God in good times?

Remember, God loves to hear from us just as much in the good times as He does when we are in need.

  1. Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually! –
  2. Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.

What the Bible says about focusing on God?

Proverbs 5:1-2 My son, stay focused; listen to the wisdom I have gained; give attention to what I have learned about life So you may be able to make sensible judgments and speak with knowledge.

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Why should we focus on God?

Sometimes God makes difficult situations in your lives or doesn’t give you the answer that you seek, so you will turn your focus back to listening. He will talk to you through your emotions and feelings in our heart if you listen. The more you listen to God the more you become in tune with God.

What are the different ways to remember God?

Therefore, as the year draws to a close, here are five creative ways that we, too, can remember God’s goodness in 2020.

  • Start a Gratitude Journal.
  • Make a Miracle Jar.
  • Keep a Prayer journal.
  • Keep God’s Word as a visual reminder.
  • Be a Living Reminder For Others.

What the Bible says about praising God in all circumstances?

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Why do we focus on God?

By focusing on Him, You are asking God to speak to us. you have turned an ear to listen. Sometimes God makes difficult situations in your lives or doesn’t give you the answer that you seek, so you will turn your focus back to listening. He will talk to you through your emotions and feelings in our heart if you listen.