
Why does Gollum take Frodo and Sam through the dead marsh?

Why does Gollum take Frodo and Sam through the dead marsh?

Gollum guides Frodo and Sam through the marshland that surrounds Mordor. The creature was once on the run from Orcs in the area, so he knows it well. Gollum is fearful of the sun, which he calls the “Yellow Face,” so he prefers to travel by night.

Was Gollum loyal to Frodo?

We already know that Gollum’s major struggle in The Two Towers is between two halves of himself, as he decides what’s more important: his loyalty to Frodo, or his love of the Ring. Gollum still has the freedom to choose to be bad or good—and unfortunately, his free will leads him to be bad, in the end.

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Why does Gollum save Frodo?

The two had a strange sort of bond from both having been Ring-bearers; in Gollum, Frodo saw his possible future, and so wanted to save him so he could save himself. Faramir found out that the place Gollum was taking them was called Cirith Ungol. He then warned Frodo and Sam of the evil of that place.

Who did Frodo see in the dead marshes?

They see the aforementioned dead, Gollum stating, “Only shapes to see, perhaps, not to touch.” Frodo is mesmerized by the candle-like lights that appear to float over the Marshes (called by Gollum “candles of corpses”); those who are hypnotised by these lights, and who therefore try to touch the bodies, are likely to …

How does Gollum betray Frodo and Sam?

Frodo, rushed for time with archers poised to shoot Smeagol, lies to him to get him out of the pool. Up until then ‘Master’ (Frodo) was good and honest and Smeagol reciprocated. After that, after Faramir’s Men beat him, he never trusts Frodo again. So thats’ why Gollum betrays Frodo and Samwise.

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Who betrayed Frodo?

Boromir betrays Frodo in The Fellowship of the Ring.

Why did Frodo claim the Ring?

This is why Frodo yielded and put the Ring on – he was just too weak to resist the One Ring at the height of its power and luckily for Middle-earth that Gollum was there to greedily reclaim his Precious.

What did Gollum promise?

‘The Ring is treacherous, it will hold you to your word.

How many times did Frodo fall down?

TIL Frodo falls down 21 times in the trilogy (Idiosyncrasy Toteboard)
