
Why does the reactivity increase going down group 1 but decrease going down group 7?

Why does the reactivity increase going down group 1 but decrease going down group 7?

Reactivity decreases down the group. This is because group 7 elements react by gaining an electron. As you move down the group, the amount of electron shielding increases, meaning that the electron is less attracted to the nucleus.

Why does reactivity increase down group 1 but decrease down group 17?

As one goes down this group the size of atom increases. But here the effective nuclear charge decreases due to increase in size and hence the ability of these atoms to accept electron reduces down the group. i.e. Electron affinity decreases down the group.

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Why does the reactivity of group 1 increase as you go down the group?

The reactivity of Group 1 elements increases as you go down the group because: the outer electron gets further from the nucleus as you go down the group. the attraction between the nucleus and outer electron gets weaker as you go down the group – so the electron is more easily lost.

Why does chemical reactivity increase from top to bottom in groups 1a and 2a?

Going from top to bottom in these groups, the outer shell electrons are further away from the nucleus and are more easily removed. Thus, the bottom elements of groups 1 A and 2 A will be more reactive.

Why does reactivity decrease down group?

The reactivity of Group 7 elements decreases down the group. The electrons in the outer shell move further away from the nucleus as we go down the group and the attraction force between the electrons and the nucleus become weaker and weaker.

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Why does reactivity decrease down?

The reactivity of Group 7 elements decreases down the group. The electrons in the outer shell move further away from the nucleus as we go down the group and the attraction force between the electrons and the nucleus become weaker and weaker. This weaker attraction in the larger atoms makes it harder to gain electron.

Does reactivity decrease down the group?

Chemical reactivity of the elements The farther to the left and down the periodic chart you go, the easier it is for electrons to be given or taken away, resulting in higher reactivity. Group – reactivity decreases as you go down the group.

Does reactivity increase down group 0?

All elements in group 0 are un-reactive(have eight electrons in the outer shell) and gases. boiling points of the gases increase down the group. Alkali metals have similar chemical properties because when they react their atoms need to lose one electron so that they have a stable electronic structure.

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Does reactivity decrease down a group?

Why does reactivity decrease down a group?

This is due to the fact that atomic radius increases in size with an increase of electronic energy levels. This lessens the attraction for valence electrons of other atoms, decreasing reactivity.

Why does reactivity decrease from left to right?

And you go from left to right on the periodic table elements have more electrons in their valence shells they have to get rid off which requires an element to have high energies which results into lower Chemical Reactivity. For Non-Metals, the farther right-up in the table you go, the higher the electronegativity.