
Why don t UK police cars have cages?

Why don t UK police cars have cages?

While virtually every American police car has an automatic transmission, almost every British police car has a five-speed manual. Once apprehended, they tend to be less trouble than their American counterparts, thus there is less of a need for protective cages in the cars, and insufficient room anyway.

Do British police cars have cages?

Incident response vehicle (IRV) Prisoner transport vans are used as IRVs, and also have the capability to transport arrested suspects in a cage. Marked variants of these cars typically feature yellow and blue battenburg markings on each side of car with ‘Police’ lettering on the front and rear of the vehicle.

Can you have an American police car in the UK?

Although we have fully authentic American Police Cars, the law in the UK is very clear and quite strict when it comes to operating these vehicles on the public roads. These do not include any real Police accessories for general hire, although different rules will apply on a secure film set etc.

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Are bull bars legal UK?

While you wouldn’t get away with one like that, it is not illegal for vehicles to be fitted with bull bars in the UK. As long as the bull bars do not cause an increased risk to “passengers, pedestrians and other road users”, they are allowed.

Can you drive an ex police car UK?

Driving an ex-police car and staying legal You have to change its status from a police car on the V5C, but this is simple and free, and takes minutes at any Post Office. Geoff Taylor chairs enthusiasts’ group Police Car UK (policecaruk.com). He says: “Most of our members buy ex-police cars as a piece of history.

Can a civilian drive a police car UK?

Although civilians have no police powers and are not allowed to use the vehicles to respond to emergencies, seven police forces in England and Wales have taken the unusual step. The forces said the vehicles were part of their wider fleet, and all denied they were provided for tax reasons.