
Why is Holden critical of Stradlater?

Why is Holden critical of Stradlater?

Holden has good reason to be concerned for Jean Stradlater is an experienced womanizer, and the Jean that Holden knows is an innocent dreamer, the kind of girl who, when she plays checkers, leaves her kings lined up in the opponent’s back row, where they were crowned, preferring aesthetic design to victory.

How is Stradlater a phony?

Stradlater, in his opinion, is an utter phony. Being a secret slob is part of that phoniness. Stradlater only cares that he makes a good appearance. He doesn’t care how dirty or disgusting the items he owns are, such as his razor, as long as people don’t see them.

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How does Stradlater affect Holden?

First and foremost, Stradlater strikes Holden as a “hotshot,” which in his lexicon is another word for “phony.” Stradlater spends a lot of time at the gym and in front of the mirror, working on his appearance. He also tends to be emotionally distant and uncommunicative.

What happens between Holden and Stradlater?

Holden relentlessly insults Stradlater, driving him crazy until he punches Holden and bloodies his nose. Stradlater then becomes worried that he has hurt Holden and will get into trouble. Holden insults him some more, and Stradlater finally leaves the room.

What favor did Stradlater want Holden to do for him Why is this ironic explain?

What favor did Stradlater ask of Holden? Why is it ironic? He asked him to write him a descriptive essay. It’s ironic because Stradlater is a good student, and Holden is being kicked out of school for failing.

What does Holden keep calling Stradlater How does Stradlater react?

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Holden calls Stradlater a moron and gets a bloody nose for his trouble. Stradlater leaves. Holden decides to spend the night in Ackley’s room, can’t sleep, thinks of visiting Mal Brossard but changes his mind, and decides to “get the hell out of Pencey,” instead of waiting until Wednesday to leave.

How does Holden feel after the fight with Stradlater?

Holden feels suffocated and despite his bad marks are all parts of what isolates his individuality being there and he feels his needs to run away.

How does Stradlater react to Holden’s composition?

How does Stradlater react when he read the composition? Stradlater won’t tell him. He punches Holden in the shoulder.

How does Holden describe Stradlater How do you think Holden feels about him?

Holden describes Stradlater as a popular, muscular and narcissistic. I think Holden feels jealous of him because of how many girls he gets and how muscular he is. Despite the fact that he always complains how narcissistic he is, he always ends up agreeing with him, admitting to his beauty.

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Why does Stradlater ask Holden to write his essay for him?

What does Stradlater ask Holden to do for him? Stradlater asks Holden to write an essay for him since Holden doesn’t have a date for that night and the essay is due on Monday.

What do Holden and Stradlater fight about?

Holden and Stradlater were fighting because Stradlater would not tell Holden what he did with Jane in Ed Banky’s car. Holden is angry because Stradlater might have disrespected Jane. Other reason for fight is he loves Jane and feels protective about her.

Does Holden hate Stradlater?

Dislike : Holden hates Stradlater because he does not care about other people’s feelings. Like : Holden likes anything that reminds him of childhood innocence. What does Holden like about the way Jane plays checkers? He liked her innocence, and the way she protected “King” when they play chess.