
Why is it important that you only use clean tips when performing PCR?

Why is it important that you only use clean tips when performing PCR?

Use sterile filter tips, which will prevent any contamination from your pipette from bleeding into your samples. Dedicate a clean set of equipment, including racks and pipettes, solely for PCR use. This will ensure that there is minimal carryover of particles from one area of your lab to another.

Why is it important to use aerosol filter tips when setting up a PCR reaction?

Filter tips are vitally important for preventing contamination during PCR experiments and other molecular biology applications such as bacteriology and work in radioactive areas. Primarily, they prevent the sample solution from contaminating the pipette cone during aspiration.

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Do you need to PCR before sequencing?

You don’t need to do PCR prior to sequencing, and it’s best not to; when possible, you can get better results by starting with the amount of DNA required. However, the machines need a minimum amount or concentration of DNA in order to load efficiently.

Why is it important to clean-up your PCR reaction prior to using it for genetic cloning?

Verification of the desired product is essential, which includes confirming a lack of non-specific products and primer dimers. Clean-up of the reaction mixture is also necessary to remove unincorporated primers and dNTPs that can interfere with subsequent reactions and lead to an unreadable sequence.

Do I need filter tips for PCR?

Sterilized Filter Tip use is indispensable to prevent aerosol contamination when using PCR and amplification methods, pipetting RNA/DNA solutions, infectious samples, etc. Low Retention Pipette Tips are specifically designed for applications requiring high accuracy and reproducibility.

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What is PCR based sequencing?

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a laboratory technique used to amplify DNA sequences. The method involves using short DNA sequences called primers to select the portion of the genome to be amplified.

Is gel purification necessary?

It is recommended to perform a gel purification so as to avoid the buffers and other contaminating impurities from hindering the ligation process.

Do you need filtered tips for PCR?

Sterilized Filter Tip use is indispensable to prevent aerosol contamination when using PCR and amplification methods, pipetting RNA/DNA solutions, infectious samples, etc.

What is the importance of using a filtered pipette tip?

Filtered pipette tips help to reduce the risk of aerosols forming in the laboratory. They also protect the pipette shafts from contamination and reduce the risk of cross contamination. These pipette tips are often used in contamination sensitive applications such as forensics and clinical diagnostics.