
Why is RBC pipette used in leukemia?

Why is RBC pipette used in leukemia?

It is used for counting WBC in leukemia where leukocytes are present not in thousands but in lakhs or millions/mm3 of blood. There also blood is sucked upto mark 1 in RBC pipette and then diluted to 101 mark giving a dilution of 1 in 100. The RBC pipette is also used for sperm count and platelet count.

What pipette is used for RBC count?

Both RBC and WBC counts require a hemacytometer (Hemocytometer), microscope and special pipettes for diluting blood. < Pictured at left: Hemocytometer, RBC pipette, WBC pipette and Sahli pipette. The RBC pipette is identified by the red bead in the bulb, and the WBC pipette by the white bead in the bulb.

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What are the uses of WBC pipette?

WBC Pipette or White Blood Cell Pipette is used for mixing diluting fluid and blood. This pipette is used in higher dilution processes, such as higher total sperm count, platelet count, total leukocyte count, RBC count in severe anaemia, etc.

What is RBC Thoma pipette?

R.B.C. Pipette (Thoma glass pipette) This is a bulb pipette having a long stem with a capillary bore and a pointed tip. The bulb contains a red bead inside. A small rubber tube provided with a mouth piece is connected to the small narrow portion above the bulb for sucking blood and fluid into the pipette.

What is the use of graduation on the stem of RBC pipette?

It uses the RBC pipette as a liquid dispenser. It has been used in chemistry, biology & medicine as a laboratory instrument. There’s a red bead present on the pipette. The pipette has the graduation mark up to 101 bulb size is wider and the lumen is smaller.

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What is the use of RBC diluting fluid?

It is used as diluting fluid for blood specimens to count red blood cells under high powder.

What are the commonly used RBC diluting fluid?

RBC diluting fluid is isotonic with blood; hence hemolysis does not take place. Normal Saline also can be used. But it causes slight creation of red blood cells and allows rouleaux formation.

What is the purpose of red and white beads in pipette?

This glass bead is red in colour in the RBC pipette and white bead in the WBC pipette. It is used to facilitate the uniform dispersion of the blood cells in the diluting fluid.