
Why is Ross so obsessed with Hulk?

Why is Ross so obsessed with Hulk?

Ross grew up in a military environment with both his father and paternal grandfather in the military. After Banner’s transformation into the Hulk, Ross spends years chasing the monster, becoming obsessed enough to commit treason by allying himself with the Leader, MODOK, and the Abomination to destroy the Hulk.

Does Betty Ross hate Bruce Banner?

Again Bruce achieved a state in which he could control his transformations and maintain his normal personality and intelligence while in the form of the Hulk. This time, however, Betty was upset because she wanted Bruce to be rid of the Hulk, not to control him.

Why did Ross become Red Hulk?

After Hulk returned to Earth and waged war on the Illuminati, that’s when Ross’s obsession gave way to his new nightmare. Using radiation siphoned from the Hulk, Leader and M.O.D.O.K. transformed Ross into the Red Hulk.

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Why does Thunderbolt Ross hate Bruce?

He’s been spending every waking moment since the being known as the Hulk moved into his head, and took over his body either when the sun goes down or when he loses his temper, gets stressed or is in danger, trying to kill the Hulk. That is how much Bruce Banner hates the Hulk.

Who calms down the Hulk?

Black Widow
Black Widow is the second person in the MCU seen being able to calm down Hulk following Betty Ross – Bruce Banner’s love interest in The Incredible Hulk, both women taking an animal kingdom-like approach for dealing with him.

Can abomination transform back?

Lack of Shapeshifting: Unlike Hulk; Abomination cannot no change back into his human form. As he is permanently trapped inside his superhuman form.

Will Thunderbolt Ross become Red Hulk?

This trend may involve the person who hates The Hulk more than anyone, “Thunderbolt” Ross. Ross’ comic book history is intertwined with Hulk. In the comics, Ross’ death eventually led to him becoming Red Hulk. In the MCU, it might be his near death that leads him to that fate.