
Why is Steelix so bad?

Why is Steelix so bad?

– Steelix has very poor special bulk, sitting at a disappointing base 65 Special Defense. – Steelix is very slow, which means it will almost always take a hit before retaliating with an Attack of its own. This also makes it very suspective to being quickly worn down.

Is Steelix good or bad?

It’s currently in the RU tier, and also it’s A Rank in the Viability Rankings, which is not bad, infact, it’s good. It can function as a Specially-Defensive Pokémon who can also tank Physical hits, courtesy to its godly base 200 Defense, and can also set Stealth Rock, which is another point that makes it good.

What is everyone’s favorite Pokemon?

Mimikyu (99,077 votes) Mimikyu is described as a Pokémon who felt so lonely that it decided to wear a rag in order to look like Pikachu, everyone’s favorite Pokémon.

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Is Onix better than Steelix?

Onix is a great UU/OU force at the beginning of a battle. Steelix is a bit less versatile in defenses, seeing as Special-based attack will KO it. However, Steelix has a much more solid typing, more HP for more physical bulk, and better offensive stats.

Is Aggron a good Pokemon?

Aggron will take a place among the high ranks of Pokémon GO tier lists, mostly because of its high CP (3004) and great DEF. His Combat Power is so good that it actually beats Heracross (2938) and Espeon (3000), putting Aggron in the top 10 highest CP Pokémon.

Is Mega Steelix good?

Mega Steelix is not good for raids. Flat-out, it’s destined for obscurity. However, it’s not entirely useless. Long-lived Pokemon like Mega Steelix have the advantage of granting their Mega Boost to the entire team for a prolonged period of time, making them situationally very effective in raids.

When should I evolve my Steelix?

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1 Answer. Just evolve it as early as possible because the only move that onix learns that steelix does not is sand tomb which is pretty much useless but if you really want that move, wait until level 46 because thats when it learns it.

What does Steelix evolve into?

As a result, it is even harder than a diamond. It is said that if an Onix lives for 100 years, its composition becomes diamondlike as it evolves into a Steelix….Pokédex entries.

Black It is thought its body transformed as a result of iron accumulating internally from swallowing soil.