
Why is The Catcher in the Rye considered a banned book?

Why is The Catcher in the Rye considered a banned book?

One library banned it for violating codes on “excess vulgar language, sexual scenes, things concerning moral issues, excessive violence and anything dealing with the occult.” When asked about the bans, Salinger once said, “Some of my best friends are children.

What is the catcher in the rye and why does Holden want to be that when he grows up?

Trapped between states, with his innocence in jeopardy, Holden wants to be a “catcher in the rye,” a savior of the innocence missing in the world around him, a world that has let him fall over the cliff into adulthood alone.

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Why does Holden curse so much?

The excessive swearing is a symptom of Holden’s immaturity and his anxiety building toward crisis. One other reason Holden may swear so much is that Salinger was writing CITW when he was in the Army, and right afterward. He was an enlisted man, and swearing can become second nature when you’re around it a lot.

What is the first case of Catcher in the Rye being banned?

The first record of The Catcher in the Rye being banned was in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1960 after an eleventh grade English teacher was fired for assigning the book to his class. Since then, more than 30 incidences have been recorded across the United States of the book being removed from schools and/or classes.

Why does Holden want a catcher?

Holden believes to be the catcher in the rye means to save children from losing their innocence and entering adulthood. Holden sees himself as the catcher in the rye by saving children from falling off a cliff. The children who are playing in the big field of rye are not [looking] where they’re going.

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What is the main point of Catcher in the Rye?

In Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger focuses on two main themes: protecting the innocent and isolation. One of the primary themes in the novel is protecting the innocent. Throughout the novel, Holden reminisces about his younger brother, Allie, who has passed away.

Does Catcher in the Rye have curse words in it?

The most reoccurring curse words are “goddam” occurring over eighty nine times, “hell” occurring over sixty three times, and “damn” occurring over thirty nine times. Today, most of the cursing in the book would not even be considered PG-13 if it were put in a movie.