
Why Ortho product is the major product in Reimer Tiemann reaction?

Why Ortho product is the major product in Reimer Tiemann reaction?

This is Reimer-Tiemann Carbonylation reaction in which the ortho product is major when phenol is the substrate. Hence, here I expected the ortho product to be major as well as it would also make hydrogen bonding possible, which stabilizes the compound. Besides, −OH is a better activator than −OCH3.

What is major product in Reimer Tiemann reaction?

Reimer-Tiemann reaction of phenol with CCl4​ in NaOH at 340 K gives salicylic acid as the major product.

What is the reaction conditions of Reimer Tiemann reaction?

A normal Reimer–Tiemann reaction is one in which a phenol (or electron-rich aromatic such as pyrrole) yields one or more aldehydes on treatment with chloroform and alkali.

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Which intermediate is formed in Reimer Tiemann reaction?

– In this reaction chloroform first reacts with sodium hydroxide to produce dichlorocarbene which is the intermediate of this reaction.

Why Ortho product is major in Kolbe’s reaction?

The mechanism for Kolbe’s reaction is as follows: From the above mechanism, the negative charge get developed on the ortho position. Hence the electrophillic substitution takes place at ortho position abd ortho hydroxy benzoic acid is formed as product.

Which product is major ortho or para?

When electrophilic substitution reaction takes place, and the ortho and para products are formed then among them para is considered as the major product and ortho as a minor product. The reason behind this is the steric hindrance.

Why is ortho salicylaldehyde a major product?

Collision Frequency: there is two ortho positions in o-salicaldehyde. Hence, the collision frequency of ortho product dominates that of para products as there is only a para position present.

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What happens when cumene is treated with oxygen and the product is hydrolysed with dilute acid?

Cumene is oxidised in presence of oxygen to form cumenehydroperxide. Write the reaction for the oxidation of cumene to form cumene hydroperoxide. In presence of dilute aqueous acids, cumene hydroperoxide undergoes hydrolysis to form a mixture of phenol and acetone.

Which intermediate is involved in the reaction?

A reaction intermediate or an intermediate is a molecular entity that is formed from the reactants (or preceding intermediates) and reacts further to give the directly observed products of a chemical reaction. Most chemical reactions are stepwise, that is they take more than one elementary step to complete.

Is an intermediate in writing reaction?

Reaction intermediate is formed from reactants in a chemical reaction, and react further to produce the final product. A reaction intermediate is a transient species within a multi-step reaction mechanism that is produced in the preceding step and used in the next step to ultimately produce a final product.

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Why Ortho salicylic acid is major?

If Phenol is treated with sodium hydroxide it generates sodium phenoxide ion. The formed phenoxide ion is more reactive than phenol so it undergoes electrophilic aromatic substitution with carbon dioxide which is a weak electrophile and ortho hydroxybenzoic acid is formed as the major product.