
Why stack pointer is decremented by 2?

Why stack pointer is decremented by 2?

2 Answers. Decrements the stack pointer and then stores the source operand on the top of the stack.

Why is the stack pointer decremented?

The Stack Pointer (SP) register is used to indicate the location of the last item put onto the stack. When you PUT something ONTO the stack (PUSH onto the stack), the SP is decremented before the item is placed on the stack. Use LDS (Load Stack Pointer) to initialize the stack pointer.

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Which operation is performed in stack when stack pointer is incremented?

PUSH Operation
PUSH Operation The PUSH means pushing or inserting an element into the stack. The PUSH operation always increments the stack pointer and the POP operation always decrements the stack pointer.

What is the position of stack pointer after the push instruction?

In PUSH instruction, after each execution of the instruction, the stack pointer is a) incremented by 1 b) decremented by 1 c) incremented by 2 d) decremented by 2 Answer: d Explanation: The actual current stack-top is always occupied by the previously pushed data.

When the instruction Pop is executed the stack pointer is decremented by two incremented by two decremented by one incremented by one?

Discussion Forum

Que. In POP instruction, after each execution of the instruction, the stack pointer is
b. decremented by 1
c. incremented by 2
d. decremented by 2
Answer:incremented by 2

Is the post decremented instruction in stack pointer?

The PUSH instruction is used to decrement the current stack pointer and store data to the stack. The POP instruction is used to read the data from the stack and increment the current stack pointer.

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What is stack explain all operation of stack?

In computer science, a stack is an abstract data type that serves as a collection of elements, with two main principal operations: Push, which adds an element to the collection, and. Pop, which removes the most recently added element that was not yet removed.

When pop instruction is executed the stack pointer is incremented by?

In POP instruction, after each execution of the instruction, the stack pointer is. incremented by 1. decremented by 1.

In which instruction after each execution of the instruction the stack pointer is decremented by 2?

Discussion Forum

Que. In PUSH instruction, after each execution of the instruction, the stack pointer is
b. decremented by 1
c. incremented by 2
d. decremented by 2
Answer:decremented by 2

Which of the following instruction is same as JNAE?

Branch Instructions

Instruction Description
JA or JNBE Jump if above, not below, or equal i.e. when CF and ZF = 0
JAE/JNB/JNC Jump if above, not below, equal or no carry i.e. when CF = 0
JB/JNAE/JC Jump if below, not above, equal or carry i.e. when CF = 0
JBE/JNA Jump if below, not above, or equal i.e. when CF and ZF = 1