
Why steam is condensed after coming from turbine?

Why steam is condensed after coming from turbine?

As the water used in boilers is usually quite purified it is expensive to produce so it makes sense to remove the little heat energy remaining in the steam after doing work in the turbine which allows it to condense back to water to be used again.

What happens to steam after turbine?

In simple terms, a steam turbine works by using a heat source (gas, coal, nuclear, solar) to heat water to extremely high temperatures until it is converted into steam. As that steam flows past a turbine’s spinning blades, the steam expands and cools.

Where is exit steam from the turbine is converted into water?

A surface condenser is a water-cooled shell and tube heat exchanger installed to condense exhaust steam from a steam turbine in thermal power stations. These condensers are heat exchangers which convert steam from its gaseous to its liquid state at a pressure below atmospheric pressure.

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Why is steam used to run turbines?

The steam acts like a cross between water and wind turbines. Because of the high pressure and high kinetic energy, steam turbines are mostly used. As steam contains thermal energy, high pressure is obtained for running the turbines, to generate electricity.

What happens when steam is condensed class 7?

What happens when steam is condensed? When steam is condensed, again liquid water is formed. This process involves change of state that is gaseous phase changes to liquid phase and no new substance is formed. Hence, its is a physical change.

In which type of condensed water and steam do not mix directly?

2. Surface Condensers. In surface condensers, there is no direct contact between the cooling water and the steam that is to be condensed. The heat transfer between steam and cooling water is by conduction and convection.

What is extraction steam turbine?

Extraction. A third steam turbine type is extraction steam turbines. An extraction turbine has one or more openings in its casing for extraction of a portion of the steam at some intermediate pressure. The extracted steam may be used for process purposes.