
Why water logging in Patna?

Why water logging in Patna?

Associate professor of Patna University and social activist Shankar Kumar said recurring waterlogging was the result of too much planning on paper and little execution on ground. “First of all, the sewerage and drainage network has to be completely delinked. But, generally drains are made in isolation.

Why the storm water drainage system in bihar failed?

One of the reasons for this is the choked and incomplete drains, the construction of which had started way back in 2006. However, the Patna Municipal Corporation (PMC) started work on the first major sewerage and drainage system after Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid its foundation stone in late 2017.

How do you prevent water logging on roads?

5 Tips to Wade Through Waterlogged Roads:

  1. 1) Gauge Water Level: Keep an eye on the water level on the road.
  2. 2) Stay in the Centre: If you look closely, flood water gets accumulated on the side of the roads.
  3. 3) Composed Driving: Drive slow and do not move to higher gears.
  4. 4) Avoid Hydrostatic Lock:
  5. 5) Don’t Panic:
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What are waterlogged soils?

Soil may be regarded as waterlogged when it is nearly saturated with water much of the time such that its air phase is restricted and anaerobic conditions prevail. In agriculture, various crops need air (specifically, oxygen) to a greater or lesser depth in the soil. Waterlogging of the soil stops air getting in.

What are the major causes of flood in Bihar?

It must be noted that some of the major causes of floods in Bihar are the increased conversion of forests to agricultural and pastoral land in the middle of the hills in Nepal, increase in the annual rainfall in the annual runoff of sapt-Kosi river, the flow of the sapt-kosi has grown by 2.5 times.

What are the reasons for water logging?

Waterlogging is caused by a combination of excess rainfall (for the site), poor external drain- age (runoff), poor internal drainage (water movement in the soil profile) and the inability of the soil to store much water.

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What are causes of water logging?

Causes of Waterlogging

  • Over and Intensive Irrigation.
  • Seepage of water from the adjoining high lands.
  • Seepage of water through the canals.
  • Impervious Obstruction.
  • Inadequate natural drainage.
  • Inadequate surface drainage.
  • Excessive rain.
  • Submergence due to floods.

What is the reason of floods?

Floods are the most frequent type of natural disaster and occur when an overflow of water submerges land that is usually dry. Floods are often caused by heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt or a storm surge from a tropical cyclone or tsunami in coastal areas.