
Why we divide the range of IP address from 0 to 255 in classes?

Why we divide the range of IP address from 0 to 255 in classes?

The difference between IPv4 and IPv6 IPv4 addresses are 32-bit addresses. Each byte, or 8-bit segment of the address, is divided by a period and typically expressed as a number 0–255. Recognizing that these two formats represent the same number will be important for understanding concepts later on.

Why do IP addresses go up to 255?

255.255. The reason each number can only reach up to 255 is that each of the numbers is really an eight digit binary number (sometimes called an octet). In an octet, the number zero would be 00000000, while the number 255 would be 11111111, the maximum number the octet can reach.

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What is the maximum number of IP address that can be assigned to host?

Including the router interface, how many hosts can have IP addresses on the LAN attached to the router interface? Explanation: A /29 (255.255. 255.248), regardless of the class of address, has only 3 host bits. Six hosts are the maximum number of hosts on this LAN, including the router interface.

Can an IP address start with 0?

No, it is not a valid public ip address. The valid ip address for the class A network is 1.0. 0.0 to 126.255. 255.255.

Can an IP address end in 0?

in general statement ‘IP addresses ending in . 0 or . 255 is invalid’ is false.

Can you have a 0 in an IP address?

in general statement ‘IP addresses ending in . 0 or . 255 is invalid’ is false. take 10.0.

Which IP address is broadcast from 10.0 0.0 network?

IP Subnet Calculator

CIDR block IP range (network – broadcast) Subnet Mask – – – –
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What is the maximum no of IP address that can be assigned to host on a local subnet that uses the 255.255 255.224 subnet mask?

The subnet mask defines the number of hosts available on a subnet. The mask 255.255. 255.224 leaves five bits for the host address, which could theoretically hold 32 addresses.