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Are Clydesdales meant to be ridden?

Are Clydesdales meant to be ridden?

Clydesdale horses aren’t too big to ride. Although Clydesdales are huge horses primarily bred to pull, they make excellent riding horses. They are comfortable, have an easy-going temperament, and are willing to work.

Is a Clydesdale a good first horse?

Clydesdales often have a quiet demeanor that beginners enjoy. These horses tend to be forgiving of a beginner’s mistakes and are generally calm and steady. Their biggest downside is their size. Sometimes saddle fit and tack sizing can be tricky for these larger horses.

Where can I ride a Clydesdale horse?

  • Ocean Point Ranch, 7200 Moonstone Beach Drive, Cambria; (805) 927-4648,oceanpointranch.com.
  • Sea Chest Restaurant and Oyster Bar, 6216 Moonstone Beach Drive, Cambria; (805) 927-4514, seachestrestaurant.com.
  • Covell’s California Clydesdale Ranch, 5684 Bridge St., Cambria; (805) 975-7332, covellscaliforniaclydesdales.com.
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Can you jump a Clydesdale?

Clydesdales can jump, but with their large, dinner-plate-sized feet and heavy joints, it isn’t the best idea for them to jump too high or too much. Trainers, however, have had success with two bars, but they find that when they exceed this limit, the horses either become hesitant to jump over it or they knock it over.

Are Clydesdale horses gentle?

The Clydesdale is a spirited and intelligent horse. However, it can also be tender and gentle-hearted, especially the Budweiser Clydesdales, which are required to have a gentle temperament.

Are Clydesdale horses fast?

No. Clydesdales are very lazy horses, and they eat a lot. They were specifically bred to pull heavy loads, not to carry weight or run fast.

What is the average lifespan of a Clydesdale?

The typical lifespan of a healthy Clydesdale horse is between 25 – 30 years.

What can you do with a Clydesdale?

The Clydesdale was originally used for agriculture, hauling coal in Lanarkshire, and heavy hauling in Glasgow. Today, Clydesdales are still used for draught purposes, including agriculture, logging, and driving. They are also shown and ridden, as well as kept for pleasure.