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Are Huskies good with puppies?

Are Huskies good with puppies?

Children And Other Pets They can be very tolerant of children, but like all other dogs, should be supervised when around young children. Siberian Huskies do get along with other dogs but it is still important to take your puppy to socialization classes.

What do you do when an older dog attacks a puppy?

How to stop your older dog from being aggressive to the new puppy

  1. Keep dog intros slow between the older dog and the new puppy.
  2. Prevention.
  3. Re-direct the puppy away from your older dog.
  4. Seek out positive experiences between the two dogs.
  5. Calmly have both dogs sit and then give them treats.
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Will Huskies attack small dogs?

“Siberian huskies are prey-driven, much like your hunting dogs that go for small, furry things,” Wagensomer said. “It’s very common in a lot of prey-driven dogs, killing small, furry animals. And a 12-pound dog, unfortunately, in the heat of a hunt, could be mistaken for a rabbit.”

Are Huskies aggressive dogs?

Huskies are not an aggressive or dangerous dog breed. They were not developed to guard or defend their property or owner. Unfortunately, plenty of preventable bite incidents happen every year in the USA.

Why is my dog attacking puppies?

Some dogs may be particularly intolerant of puppies and may get very stressed when exposed to them. Some dogs even fear them. It could be they weren’t socialized much with dogs or they simply have lower tolerance levels for certain behaviors. A dog who is stressed or fearful can bite and even severely injure a puppy.

How long does it take for an old dog to get used to a new puppy?

It can take up to one month for an old dog and new dog to really settle in and accept each other’s position in the pack. If you want a second dog, you need to be ready to commit to this process and not panic.

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Are huskies violent?

Why does my husky bite my little dog?

Huskies are hunting dogs and as puppies, they are likely to instinctively begin practicing their skills, which include biting. If you have a young Husky, he is likely primed to bite as soon as he gets excited. This kind of behavior is especially a problem if you have young kids in the house.

Why is my Husky puppy so aggressive?