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Are live oaks protected?

Are live oaks protected?

California law protects native trees, including oak trees. The state of California bans the removal of certain native trees, including oak trees. Homeowners have the right to remove trees that pose a health or safety risk, but they must petition the city before removing the tree.

How far away should an oak tree be from a house?

This question all comes down to tree size. After all, the wide-root oak tree that’s 70 feet tall needs much more room than the modest Japanese maple. A good rule of thumb is to start at about 8 to 10 feet away from your home for small trees and scale up to account for the tree’s mature height and spread.

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Are oak trees bad for yard?

Some of the oaks in California can be hundreds of years old, then we put a lawn under them. Oaks will commonly do fine with a conventional lawn or garden under them for about 10 years, then they get buggy and start to die. Their immune system and root structure is compromised.

Are live oaks protected in Florida?

Oak trees are specifically protected by name in some cities in California and Florida (e.g. Los Angles), but in most cases, they fall under the general tree protection laws as outlined by each cities tree ordinance. If it is larger than 8” then you will need to apply to the city for a permit to remove the tree.

Should I cut down my oak tree?

California oak trees have the best results when pruned during the coldest winter months of the year, before the tree begins to bud and generate new leaves. The tree is growing throughout the year, but not aggressively during these winter months.

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How far do oak tree roots spread?

Oak Root Characteristics The lateral roots of oak trees spread as much as 90 feet from the trunk. Lateral roots can typically be found about 18 inches below the ground surface. Oak roots usually extend no more than 3 feet below the soil and no more than 2 feet below the surface in shallow soil.

Are oak trees bad for houses?

The truth is oak trees are not ideal for apartment dwellers as they need ample space to grow. Their canopy can spread to 21 meters wide and grow to a height of 12 meters high. For the oak tree to flourish, you must keep it away from obstructions such as buildings, under, and other large trees.

Is oak tree good for front yard?

They Are Great For Wildlife You may see deer around your yard as well – they love acorns. Oak trees also provide food and shelter for many different types of songbirds. You do have to be careful with oak trees and wildlife when you first plant them, according to Gardening Know How.

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Which oak tree is best for front yard?

5 Best Oak Trees for Your Yard

  • Oak Varieties and Characteristics. Oaks are monoecious trees.
  • Nuttall Oak. The Nuttall oak tree is known for being well adapted for general landscape use.
  • Japanese Evergreen Oak.
  • Northern Red Oak.
  • Pin Oak.
  • Water Oak.

Do I need a permit to cut down a tree on my property in Florida?

Florida residents looking to trim, prune, or remove a dangerous tree from their property do not require permits now. They should hire a professional tree service company or an arborist for inspection to determine the best course of action.