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Are Olms Axolotls?

Are Olms Axolotls?

It also exhibits neoteny, retaining larval characteristics like external gills into adulthood, like some American amphibians, the axolotl and the mudpuppies (Necturus). The olm is the only species in the genus Proteus and the only European species of the family Proteidae, whose other extant genus is Necturus.

What animal lives in Slovenian caves?

In the caves of Slovenia and Croatia lives an animal that’s a cross between Peter Pan and Gollum. It’s the olm, a blind, cave-dwelling salamander, also called the proteus and the “human fish”, for its pale, pinkish skin.

Why is the olm salamander endangered?

The olm requires clean water, and is therefore vulnerable to water pollution. Consequently, the major threats to the olm are pollution and habitat disturbance from land use changes occurring above the cave systems. This species is protected by national legislation in many range states, e.g. Slovenia, Croatia and Italy.

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Are Olms extinct?

Vulnerable (Population decreasing)
Olm/Conservation status

Are the axolotl and OLM related?

They may seem somewhat similar in appearance, yet are unrelated and in fact, natively occur on two different continents. The Olm calls Middle Europe home, while the Axolotl is based in South America.

Is the OLM endangered?

Are Olm and Axolotl related?

Does the Olm have eyes?

The olm (Proteus anguinus), or cave salamander, is a type of amphibian that lives in central and southeastern Europe. Having adapted to live in dark, wet caves, olms lack pigment in their bodies, making them appear milky white, and are blind, thanks to poorly developed eyes.

Can I have an OLM as a pet?

Not really. They are threatened/endangered and relatively difficult to keep in captivity. It’s like wanting a panda bear – we have to content ourselves with stuffed animals.

Are OLM and Axolotl related?

Does the OLM have eyes?

What type of animal is Olm?

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cave salamander
The olm (Proteus anguinus), or cave salamander, is a type of amphibian that lives in central and southeastern Europe. Having adapted to live in dark, wet caves, olms lack pigment in their bodies, making them appear milky white, and are blind, thanks to poorly developed eyes.