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Are pie pumpkins different than carving pumpkins?

Are pie pumpkins different than carving pumpkins?

What’s the difference? Carving pumpkins are typically thinner and easier to saw into. They also have less guts on the inside, which are also grainier and stringier, making them easier to clean. Pie pumpkins, meant for baking, are usually smaller and more rounded.

Can jack o lantern pumpkins be used for pies?

Jack O Lantern pumpkins, which is lighter than baking pumpkins and also can be baked and turned into a pumpkin pie or desert.

Can any pumpkin be used for pie?

Like I mentioned, there are literally pumpkins named pie pumpkins. So obviously those are good for making pumpkin pie. BUT they aren’t the only ones that make a good pie. In general any pumpkin that’s meant for eating can be made into pie.

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What do sugar pumpkins look like?

Sugar pumpkins are cultivated specifically for cooking. They are sweet and flavorful with smooth flesh. They come in several varieties and don’t all look alike. Some are round, some are small, some are large and fat, some oblong, and some orange, beige, or even white.

How can you tell a pie pumpkin?

The Knife Test The classic knife test is the easiest and most foolproof way to tell if your pumpkin pie is done. Simply insert a knife near the center of the pie. If the knife comes out clean, your pie is done. The only downside to the knife test is that it leaves a crack where the knife was inserted into the filling.

Can you use a carving pumpkin to make pumpkin pie?

It’s so easy to make and tastes delicious served with a generous scoop of ice cream. The whole family will love it! Carving pumpkins tend to have a higher water content, which makes them perfect for pureeing. This pumpkin pie recipe needs 450g pumpkin flesh, which is steamed and pureed to make the spiced pie filling.

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What is the best pumpkin for pies?

The best pumpkins for pie are heirloom culinary varieties with dense, sweet flesh that’s not watery or stringy. Some of the best pumpkin for making pumpkin pie include Fairytale Pumpkins, Jarrahdale Pumpkins, Dickinson Pumpkins, Long Pie Pumpkins, and Red Kuri Squash.

Can I use a regular pumpkin for pumpkin pie?

Yes, you can! But it probably won’t taste as good. You won’t get as much pumpkin out of one of a jack-o-lantern pumpkin as you would a pie pumpkin of the same size. Pie pumpkins tend to have a sweeter, richer flavor than a carving pumpkin.

What kind of pumpkin makes the best pie?

How can I tell if my pumpkin is a sugar pumpkin?

Look for a pumpkin that’s smaller and rounder with less defined ridges than jack-o’-lantern pumpkins. Choose firm ones that feel heavy for their size and have dull, not glossy, skin.

What kind of pumpkin is used for pumpkin pie?