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Are plastic containers kosher?

Are plastic containers kosher?

However, if the plastic has scratches or cracks, it cannot be kashered. Many in America have the minhag to follow Igros Moshe and not to kasher plastic.

What makes plastic kosher?

Several examples relevant to kosher consumers are temperature, pH, and the nature of the food within the plastic package. Temperature effects include food processing plants that fill hot liquids, referred to as “hot-fill”, directly into plastic containers.

Can plastic be Kashered for Passover?

Ceramic such as china, and enamel coated pots cannot be kashered. It is the custom of Ashkenazim not to kasher glass as well. Some poskim do not permit koshering plastic or other synthetic materials for Pesach; however, the opinion of the OU rabbanim is that it may be kashered, if there is a need.

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Does food packaging need to be kosher?

Kosher Certified: Food prepared or packaged in accordance with Jewish dietary laws. A Kosher food that is processed or cooked together with non-kosher food, or any derivative of a non-kosher, becomes non-kosher. Today kosher certification labels are printed on the packages.

How do you kosher pots for Passover?

To kasher, every part of the utensil must make contact with boiling water. This process can be done in parts. For example, a large spoon can be immersed into a pot of boiling water for 10 seconds, turned over and then the remainder immersed.

Does plastic need to be Kashered?

Silver, stainless steel, and plastic flatware may be kashered. The process begins with a thorough cleaning, after which the utensil should not be used for 24 hours. If the water stops boiling at any point, one must wait until it returns to a boil before putting in any more flatware.

Do plastic containers need a Hechsher?

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Plastic Containers – Do not require certification.

Are Styrofoam cups kosher?

Styrofoam cups are produced using lubricants which may derive from non-kosher sources. Rav Belsky often quoted Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, zt”l that a non-kosher ingredient is batel berov (nullified in a majority) if it is mixed into inedible ingredients (such as Styrofoam).

How do you kosher stainless steel pots?

Stainless steel or Corian sinks can be kashered using the following method. Clean thoroughly, leave unused for 24 hours, boil a kettle of water, and carefully pour that water over all surfaces of the sink and faucet. Preferably, the sink should be rinsed with cold water after kashering is completed.

Can you kosher plastic for Passover?

Some poskim do not permit koshering plastic or other synthetic materials for Pesach; however, the opinion of the OU rabbanim is that it may be kashered, if there is a need.

Does parchment paper need to be kosher?

Unless the package states the substance is silicone or vegetable based, it is proper to use cupcake liners with a reliable kosher symbol. The same applies to parchment paper, which also needs a reliable kosher symbol. Aluminum foil and plastic wrap, however, do not require any kosher supervision for year round use.

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Does applesauce need a hechsher?

Applesauce, unflavored – Does not require certification.