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Are stalkers good sc2?

Are stalkers good sc2?

Stalkers are generally strong in the PvP matchup due to their speed, durability, and micro capability compared to other Gateway units. An early swarm of Stalkers is the goal of most Gateway heavy openers in PvP.

What units are good against stalkers?


  • strong against: Hellion, Reaper, Siege Tank (bonus)
  • weak against: Marauder (bonus), Siege Tank (bonus), Zergling.

What are stalkers weak against?

The Stalker is a key component of ground armies due to its range, damage output, ability to counter air units, and attack bonus towards armored units such as Marauders and Roaches; however, Stalkers are relatively fragile units. As an armored unit, they are particularly weak to Marauders and Immortals.

Are stalkers mechanical?

Crew. The stalker is a Nerazim cybernetic war machine.

How much HP do stalkers have?

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Guardian Stalkers have 1500 health and can fire powerful blue laser beams from their eye that can deal up to 58 points of damage.

How do I find the Dark Templar in StarCraft 2?

To get detection, Zerg needs to build a Spore Crawler (which itself is vulnerable to DT attack). Alternatively, the Zerg player can morph a Lair and then morph an Overlord into an Overseer.

Do stalkers counter roaches?

Blink Stalkers: With perfect Blink micro, Stalkers will actually counter the Roach. While Stalkers do okay against the Roach without Blink, the fact that Stalkers are so much more expensive than the Roach means you cannot simply attack-move with the Stalker and hope to do well against the Roach.

Can you tame stalkers?

It is possible to temporarily placate a Stalker by feeding them any kind of catchable fish. Doing this will pacify the creature for a short while, however this behaviour is temporary and the Stalker will soon resume its normal, aggressive behaviour.

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How do you get teeth in Subnautica?

A good method to obtain Stalker Teeth is to drop several Metal Salvage near the creature, as they sometimes leave behind a single tooth after picking the Salvage up. With two or three piles close to each other the Stalker will swim back and forth between them almost indefinitely.

How do you reveal a Dark Templar?

Vs. Against the Zerg, Dark Templar are a strong early game option since Overlords are not Detectors by default. To get detection, Zerg needs to build a Spore Crawler (which itself is vulnerable to DT attack). Alternatively, the Zerg player can morph a Lair and then morph an Overlord into an Overseer.

How do you counter Dark Templars?

The best counters for dark templar involves detection and ranged units like marines and hydralisks.

What is sc2 good against roaches?

Colossi: Colossi are excellent units to use against mass Roaches. The larger the armies, the better the Colossus gets. Use Sentries for Force Field or Zealots to help tank for the Colossus for best results.

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