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Are the NOX humans?

Are the NOX humans?

The Nox were a race humanoid in appearance but post-human in ability native to the Milky Way planet of Velieris. In ancient times, they were a founding member of the original Alliance of Great Races alongside the Furlings and Alterans.

Who played the Knox in sg1?

Lya Unbound Lya (played by Frida Betrani) is the one and only Nox who has appeared more than once on the show.

Who played the NOX girl on sg1?

Frida Betrani Interview – Lya, the Nox from Stargate SG-1. Frida Betrani was raised in Montréal, Québec, Canada. At the age of 12, Frida and her family moved to Vancouver, British Columbia. Frida’s passion for acting started at a young age, when she appeared in a play in the 1st grade.

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What happens to the NOX?

Nitrogen dioxide is an irritant gas, which at high concentrations causes inflammation of the airways. NOx gases react to form smog and acid rain as well as being central to the formation of fine particles (PM) and ground level ozone, both of which are associated with adverse health effects..

Who plays Lya in Stargate sg1?

Frida Betrani
Frida Betrani is known for her work on Last Wedding (2001), Stargate SG-1 (1997) and Prozac Nation …

Who played Lya on sg1?

Frida Betrani is known for her work on Last Wedding (2001), Stargate SG-1 (1997) and Prozac Nation …

What are the four races in Stargate?

The Alliance of Four Great Races was an intergalactic alliance in the Milky Way galaxy composed of the most advanced races known at that time: the Ancients, the Asgard, the Furlings, and the Nox.

What are the NOX powers?

Evolved Abilities Heightened Intellect: The Nox are an extremely intelligent and perceptive race that are able to perform complex arithmetic in fractions of a second. Eidetic Memory: They possess an astounding ability to comprehend and retain information with near perfect memories.

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How old are the NOx?

Because of their more advanced physiology and symbiotic relations with nature, the eldest of the Nox can reach the age of 500 years with children reaching maturity by the age of 18 years.