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Are the three divine Persons one and the same God?

Are the three divine Persons one and the same God?

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity (Latin: Trinitas, lit. ‘triad’, from Latin: trinus “threefold”) defines God as being one god existing in three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit — three distinct persons sharing one essence.

Are the three divine Persons equal?

The traditional statement of the doctrine of the Trinity is this: There are three persons within the Godhead; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three persons have equal status and are equally divine.

Is creation the work of all three divine Persons?

Although creation is attributed to the Father, Salvation (Redemption) to the Son, and Sanctification to the Holy Spirit, all three Persons of the Trinity act as one and are fully present in all the missions.

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Why are the three divine persons equal?

A Trinity doctrine is commonly expressed as the statement that the one God exists as or in three equally divine “Persons”, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Because this shared substance or essence is a divine one, this is understood to imply that all three named individuals are divine, and equally so. …

What religion does not believe in Trinity?

The largest nontrinitarian Christian denominations are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Oneness Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, La Luz del Mundo and the Iglesia ni Cristo.

Who is the father of the Trinity?

God the Father
God the Father is the first Person of the Trinity, which also includes his Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Christians believe there is one God who exists in three Persons. This mystery of the faith cannot be fully understood by the human mind but is a key doctrine of Christianity.

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Is God three people in one?

Here’s the answer: God is 3 in 1. God is three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But He isn’t three gods. When we say God is three Persons, we don’t mean that He is three people or men. By “person,” we mean that the Father, Son, and Spirit are real beings. Each is fully God.

Are the three persons God alongside the father?

But if they share in God’s essence, they are God alongside the Father. Finally, all three Persons are associated together on an equal basis in numerous passages: Jesus’ baptism— Matthew 3:13-17 (voice of the Father, Son baptized, Spirit descending like a dove).

Is the divine just one concept?

The idea is that the Divine is not just one concept but many. Just as a human is one person but can have multiple roles, the Divine can be multiple concepts at once. Remembering this helps Hindus to understand the Divine.

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Are the three members of the Trinity distinct?

While the three members of the Trinity are distinct, this does not mean that any is inferior to the other. Instead, they are all identical in attributes. They are equal in power, love, mercy, justice, holiness, knowledge, and all other qualities. If God is three Persons, does this mean that each Person is “one-third” of God?