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Are there any Easter eggs in Pac-Man?

Are there any Easter eggs in Pac-Man?

Digital Press Easter Eggs. Hiding spot – At the start, go right and up first channel and stop. Make sure no monsters “see” you doing this, and you must be facing up for this to work. Also, at the start of a game if you eat the 1st left dot and then go in the spot it works fine, but if you eat the 2nd-6th, it doesn’t!

What are the little things in Pac-Man?

Pac-Man’s favorite snack pellets — the tiny dots he munches as he moves around the video game board — were originally cookies. The “power cookies” are now the larger pellets he uses to eat the ghosts. 5. Each of the four ghosts in the game has both Japanese and English names.

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What are the white things in Pac-Man?

Pac-Dots, also known as Pellets, or Cookies, are easily the most common item in the Pac-Man games. In the arcade version, Pac-Dots are the small, square, white dots, scattered about the stage. In the 3-D games, they are rounder in shape, and are now yellow. Pac-Man is able to eat many of these at a time.

What color are the ghosts in Pac-Man?

The Ghost Gang as seen in the Hanna Barbera Pac-Man cartoon. Clyde is orange, Inky is blue, Blinky is red, Pinky is pink, and Sue is purple.

What is cherry in Pac-Man?

This power-up creates a radius around Pac-Man that turns ghosts into cherries.

How do you find Easter eggs in game?

Try searching on Google, (i.e. (your program) Easter eggs or hidden secrets). In games, look around and explore every inch of the game world. Often programmers will name characters something funny; it may just take a while for you to realize that it is an inside joke.

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How many levels does Ms. Pac-Man have?

PAC-MAN FOREVER. Most arcade-style Ms. Pac-Man units have 133, 134, or 141 levels. Like any arcade game, it can get glitchy and unable to handle the speed and number of internal processes on its most intense levels.