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Are Warriors worth it boom beach?

Are Warriors worth it boom beach?

Warriors are very effective at taking out Mortars, Rocket Launchers, and Shock Launchers as they can easily dodge their attacks and can enter their blind spots.

What are the best troops to use in boom beach?

The most common troop combination used for this strategy is the Heavy and Zooka Army. The Heavies, for example, have a very high HP, making them a great shield for high damage troops but with low health. Though Heavies can absorb many of the enemy’s attacks, you should still watch out for Cannons and Boom Cannons.

How do you get successful in boom beach?

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Boom Beach: Top 10 tips, tricks, and cheats!

  1. Upgrade or reinforce before quitting.
  2. Upgrade saw mills as fast as you can.
  3. Stone and iron come after wood.
  4. Scout areas and plan your attacks.
  5. Attack bases as quickly as possible.
  6. Use trees as lumber, especially early on.
  7. Build as many residences as you can.

What does the smoke do in boom beach?

The Smoke Screen resets troops’ attack cooldown; therefore, when the Smoke Screen wears off, all troops that were under it will attack in sync.

What should I upgrade first in boom beach?

Upgrade order: Landing Crafts. Generally you want to level them up to even-numbered LC levels because they’ll provide the space for one extra Heavy or Zooka. Do all your Zooka crafts up first, because the Zookas will benefit from the space before the Heavies.

Can you get more than one builder in Boom Beach?

Extra Builders are now available! These expert craftsman will allow you to start construction on a second building or upgrade. You will be able to find them in the Diamond Shop once you have updated Boom Beach.

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What should I upgrade first in Boom Beach?

Should you rush in boom beach?

There’s no penalty to Rushing your HQ. Just upgrade defenses to a pretty good level then Upgrade your HQ.

Can you get more than one builder in boom beach?