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Can a CAT aspirant clear bank po?

Can a CAT aspirant clear bank po?

Yes, preparing for CAT exam will definitely help clearing the Bank Exams. There is an additional section in Bank Exams compared to CAT syllabus i.e. General Banking Awareness. It’ll be easy to clear the Bank Exams. The difficulty level of IBPS, SBI is 60-65\% of CAT.

Can I prepare for cat while working in bank?

Answer. @Ema Swarna: No I will not suggest you to prepare for CAT with IBPS coaching. The pattern of CAT is very different from Bank PO Exams.

Can I prepare for cat while working as SBI PO?

Yes,you can go ahead with both simultaneously.

Which is tougher cat or SBI PO?

With regards to Quantitative Aptitude, CAT is no doubt tougher than SBI PO because of its focus on the topics. Data Interpretation is clearly harder in CAT than SBI PO; the DI questions in SBI PO examinations are relatively more straightforward than those in CAT.

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Is Bank PO exam tough than CAT?

CAT is more difficult than Bank PO exam. The standard of English, Maths and Reasoning of CAT is higher than that of Bank PO. Let us check out the section-wise difference in Bank PO and CAT syllabus. The quantitative Ability syllabus is more or less the same.

Which exam is tough CAT or bank po?

CAT is more difficult than Bank PO exam. The standard of English, Maths and Reasoning of CAT is higher than that of Bank PO. Let us check out the section-wise difference in Bank PO and CAT syllabus. In the Bank PO English section, a lot of questions are related to vocabulary and grammar in addition to other topics.

How long should I study to crack CAT?

It would be advisable to devote around 25-30 hours per week towards preparation for CAT exam. As mentioned above, many students who joined T.I.M.E. for 3-6 months of CAT classroom program have cracked the CAT exam and have secured admission into the IIMs.

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Can working professionals crack CAT?

A: Yes, one can prepare for CAT with a full-time job. All they need to do is prepare a study plan as per their free time and follow self-discipline in following the plan. They can join online study groups to study on the go.

Is CSAT tougher than CAT?

Many fields of CAT like English are also there in CSAT examination. As you said IAS is tougher compared to CAT and requires more wider information to score well. But CAT is also a very good exam which tests your knowledge well.

Is Bank PO easier than CAT?

CAT is more difficult than Bank PO exam. The standard of English, Maths and Reasoning of CAT is higher than that of Bank PO. Let us check out the section-wise difference in Bank PO and CAT syllabus. This portion focus on Banking Awareness and Current Affairs.