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Can a company fire me during probation period?

Can a company fire me during probation period?

In the event the employer is not satisfied with the performance of an employee on probation, the employer is free to terminate the services of the employee before the completion of probation period subject to the notice period, if any, prescribed in the employment letter or company’s policy.

Is probation period legal in India?

There are no direct laws dealing with probation on a general basis in India, which is, however, a common practice. The (federal) Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946 (which is applicable to workmen), provides for a probationary period of up to three months.

Can an employee leave during probation period in India?

A Probationer is hence entitled to leave irrespective of the probation period as mentioned in the employment letter or company’s policy. However, notice period during probation shall be as prescribed in the employment letter or company’s policy.

Can I dismiss an employee on probation?

You can dismiss an employee during their probation for reasons such as poor performance, bad behaviour, or persistent lateness or absence from work, but bear in mind that there may be an underlying problem such as a disability.

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Can govt employee be terminated during probation period?

Termination During Probation Period As mentioned above, a probationer has no lien on the job, his/her service can be terminated at the discretion of the employer.

Can a probationary employee be terminated?

Probationary employees may be terminated for just causes (Their fault) or when he fails to qualify as a regular employee in accordance with reasonable standards made known to him from the beginning of his/her employment.

How long can you keep an employee on probation?

Employers who wish to include a probationary period clause in their employment contract should bear in mind that most probationary periods last for three to six months.