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Can a mailman not delivering mail because of car?

Can a mailman not delivering mail because of car?

Mailbox blockage by a vehicle may also prevent the delivery of mail. According to our policy, the city or rural carrier should get out of the vehicle to make delivery if the mailbox is temporarily blocked by a vehicle.

Will USPS deliver if no mailbox?

You don’t have a mailbox at all, meaning you don’t get mail delivery normally? It won’t be delivered. If there’s no mail being delivered, the postal service has no obligation to deliver packages. It will be returned as “no mail receptacle.” This will occur almost instantly once it reaches your local post office.

Is the USPS required to deliver mail?

The Postal Service’s USO includes a requirement to provide mail services to everyone, regardless of where they live, and for at least one mail product, at a uniform price. But frequency of delivery is the only obligation that is clearly articulated in the Postal Service’s current USO.

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Can the USPS withhold my mail?

USPS Hold Mail® service can hold your mail safely at your local Post Office™ facility until you return, for up to 30 days. To hold your mail longer or to reroute your mail, please sign up for a forwarding service. You can make your request up to 30 days in advance or as early as the next scheduled delivery day.

Can USPS drivers back up?

It is not true that mailmen are not allowed to drive in reverse; however, reversing a vehicle is to be avoided, if at all possible, due to safety issues. When reversing a vehicle you do not have an unobstructed view of your path.

What happens if mail is not delivered?

If your mail is arriving late, being misdelivered, or you are having a problem with an attempted delivery, please contact your local post office, your local Postal Service Consumer & Industy Contact office or you may file a complaint online. My mail has been lost or delayed.

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Can Mailman back up?