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Can an electric generator power itself?

Can an electric generator power itself?

YES, but it can only be done long term with an electric motor that is designed to also run as a generator and if the generator will be paralleled with other generation the motor will need to be a synchronous motor.

Do Magnetic generators really work?

Permanent-magnet generators are simple in that they require no system for the provision of field current. They are highly reliable. They do not, however, contain any means for controlling the output voltage.

Is free energy generator possible?

Is a Free Energy Generator Possible? The free energy machine does not work. No machine has the power to generate energy from zero as this mass violates the law of energy conservation.

Is there a self sustaining generator?

A&I Power’s patented generator doesn’t require fossil fuels, is self-contained, and doesn’t have moving parts, and, as a result, is more efficient than traditional power generation technologies. The results include: Zero dependency on fossil fuels.

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How much power is required to run a generator?

Most small generators have operational efficiencies of between 93\% and 97\% [2]. As a result if you want to have a 5KW generator as a power station you should plan on providing that generator with at least 5.5KW of mechanical power though the input shaft.

Could magnets be used to create energy?

Magnetic fields can be used to make electricity Moving a magnet around a coil of wire, or moving a coil of wire around a magnet, pushes the electrons in the wire and creates an electrical current. Electricity generators essentially convert kinetic energy (the energy of motion) into electrical energy.

Is it possible to create free energy with magnets?

Magnets don’t contain free energy. With the magnetic field there is an electric field vector circling the magnet, but eddy currents waste the electric potential. So the permanent magnet does no work.

Does magnetic energy run out?

Yes, it is possible for a permanent magnet to lose its magnetism. If you heat a magnet up a little bit, it will lose some of its magnetism, but on returning to room temperature [depending on how high it was heated, and on the shape of the magnet itself], full magnetism can be restored.

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What is the power source for an electric generator?

The engine is the source of the input mechanical energy to the generator. The size of the engine is directly proportional to the maximum power output the generator can supply.