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Can brown eyes turn blue with laser surgery?

Can brown eyes turn blue with laser surgery?

But today there’s a medical procedure that can permanently turn your brown eyes blue. Pioneered by Stroma Medical, the laser procedure works by eliminating the brown melanin that’s present in the anterior layers of the iris.

Can you get a surgery to change your eye color from brown to blue?

Laser Surgery This procedure changes your eye color by destroying the pigment, or color, cells in your iris. When they go away, brown eyes look blue. That’s because blue eyes don’t have any pigment. It can only be done on brown eyes.

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Is it safe to change your eye color with laser?

Risks of laser eye color change surgery Just as worrisome to the American Academy of Ophthalmology are potential side effects from STRŌMA’s laser procedure. Possible risks include glaucoma, which can cause vision loss or blindness, and an inflammation of the eye known as uveitis, the academy says.

Can eye color be surgically changed?

There are two surgical options to change eye color: iris implant surgery and laser eye color change surgery. Neither option is approved for use in the United States. Risks of these procedures include: Permanent vision damage.

How much does it cost to change eye color from brown to blue?

Conducted by a California-based company called Stroma Medical, the procedure costs $5,000, and right now can only be performed in certain countries outside the US. The company is yet to be granted approval from US government officials to practice the procedure locally.

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Can you change brown eyes to green?

Changing your eye color is now possible with a wide range of natural pigments of green, blue, and brown. Adjusted to your personal preference, the pigment is placed into the cornea, which is located in front of the iris, thus masking and permanently changing the color of your eyes.

Can brown eyes turn Hazel?

People who had deep brown eyes during their youth and adulthood may experience a lightening of their eye pigment as they enter middle age, giving them hazel eyes.

How much does blue eye surgery cost?

How much does it cost to have surgery to change your eye color?

The procedure typically costs between $5,000 and $7,000. The surgeon unfolds a prosthetic iris and spreads it on top of the natural iris. It takes five to 10 minutes per eye.