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Can Davy Jones crew go on land?

Can Davy Jones crew go on land?

They can breathe underwater unlike other pirates. They can also step on the land unlike Davy Jones who can only step on land once in ten years. They can also do many things like alive pirates.

Can Davy Jones touch land?

It is mentioned in the two movies (Dead Man’s Chest and At World’s End) that Davy Jones cannot come ashore. He does once and when he does, he brings along a bucket of seawater to bypass the restriction.

When can Davy Jones go on land?

every ten years
Jones is unable to step on dry land except once every ten years. However, he can stand and even walk given his path has buckets of seawater for him to place his feet in (as seen during the parley on a sandbar in At World’s End), and he can also send his crew ashore in his absence.

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Why does Davy Jones stand in a bucket?

In that scene, we can see that Davy Jones stands in a large bucket of water, and three smaller ones behind it seeming to be formed in a line. It implies that he used those buckets so he can move inland but step in water rather than land itself.

Can Davy Jones crew be killed?

The Crew of the Flying Dutchman are men who have given their souls to Davy Jones, in exchange for avoiding the shadowy unknown that is death. Because of this, they also could not die or be killed easily until released from their years of service.

What does barbossa say to Elizabeth?

Elizabeth : I want you to leave and never come back. Barbossa : I’m disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means “no”.

Did Tia Dalma know she was Calypso?

Tia Dalma tells the group the story of Davy Jones and Calypso, but does not reveal her identity.

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Why does Davy Jones stand in a bucket of water?

In that scene, we can see that Davy Jones stands in a large bucket of water, and three smaller ones behind it seeming to be formed in a line. It implies that he used those buckets so he can move inland but step in water rather than land itself.

Will Turner Ferry Davy Jones to the other side?

At sea. Which means, Will Turner, as the newly appointed captain of the Flying Dutchman, now has the duty to ferry those who died at sea to the other side, which would include Davy Jones. However, considering the conditi I think I’ve got it figured out (kind of. It’s not perfect, but bear with me here).

Did Davy Jones really bet an eternity of service on the Dutchman?

The one that Will Turner bet an “eternity of service” and won, while Davy Jones lost, but no one thought anything of it at the time, because Davy Jones was captain of the Dutchman and bound there for an eternity anyway. That is, until his death… At sea.